Traditional leaded glass | Stained glass in Lancashire,Lancaster
Shore Edge Glass

Recent Projects

All panels encapsulated in toughened glass to comply with glazing regulations

Transom window Stained Glass in Lancashire

Encapsulated in toughened glass unit in upvc door

Fully rebuilt following break in also corner panels restored and re-painted

Etched and enamelled door panels for Victorian premises

Fully restored and rebuilt after being badly bowed
Shore Edge Glass is an accomplished company offering simply beautiful leaded glass and stained glass in Lancaster, Lancashire to bring colour into any home. Specialising in both contemporary and traditional leaded glass and stained glass, all using time honoured, hand-crafted, traditional methods of repair, restoration and manufacture. Please feel free to browse around the portfolio area, Any questions you may have please get in touch
The film might be old but the process is still the same today.

please do not hesitate to get in touch.

Shore Edge Glass. Stained Glass Studio in Lancashire